Tales of Legendary Trotters is a webpage dedicated to in-depth feature articles on horses who are legendary in the trotting world. The goal is to write about the heroes of yesterday and keep their history alive, so under no circumstance will we have articles on currently active racehorses.

The trotters written about are by no means the only legends out there: the page is updated with new articles regularly. We strive for the highest level of professionalism. If there are any factual errors, please contact us.

All articles are copyright Tales of Legendary Trotters unless otherwise specified. Posting articles to other websites or social media without express permission is not allowed – but feel free to post links to the them.

All images are copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified.

Numerous people have helped with various research, answering historical questions and providing help with translations. For photos we are indebted to Anne Ehlert, Nathalie Engman, Per Erik Hagen, Arild Hansen, Julie Henry, Leena Jokinen, Dustin Jones, Mark Kentell, Kolgjini Stables, Tiia Korpi, Curtis Salonick, Erik Widén, as well as the Danish Trotting Association, Norsk Hestesenter, the NDR Archief (archive of the Dutch trotting association), the US Trotting Association and the Hambletonian Society for giving us permission to use one or more images.

To get in touch, please send us a message on Facebook.