A 25-year old Viking Kronos. Photo: Kolgjini Stables, used with permission.

Below is a complete list of stories found on the site:

A Worthy Lad: The 30 straight wins

Action Skoatter: The flying Frisian

Alexander’s Abdallah: The Civil War casualty

Alf Palema: The buyer who was tricked

Amour Angus: The Queen of Quebec

Apex Hanover: The American hero in Moscow

Arndon: The rambunctious one

Axtell: The undefeated

Axworthy: The lame foundation sire

BF Coaltown: The Buckeye bullet

Billyjojimbob: The gentle giant

Blue Bull: The forgotten foundation

Brother Hanover: The good brother

Brown Berry: The $20,000 stumble

Bulwark: The ugly black one

Calumet Chuck: The expensive horse who couldn’t win

Chestertown: The first Californian Hambletonian-winner

Coktail Jet: The perfect cocktail

Cresceus: The Monarch of the Mile

Ego Boy: The horse who beat Goliath

Emilie Cas El: The life changer

Fireglow: The murdery mystery

Fred Leyburn: The first great Franco-American

George Wilkes: The rum addict

Gidde Palema: The barefoot comeback king

Gildeets: The first Ukrainian star

Googoo Gaagaa: The freak of nature

Guy Axworthy: The picture horse

Guy McKinney: The first Hambo winner

Hairos II: The Dutch fairytale

Hamburg Belle: The spectacular Belle

Henry Clay: The disparaged family head

Ina Scot: The Sheriff’s queen

Jorky: The criterium trotter

Kadabra: The Pokemon trotter

Kozyr: The Orlov who conquered France

Lady Suffolk: The old grey mare of Long Island

Lee Axworthy: The little big champion

Mambrino Chief: The head of the Mambrino family

Mamie: The Midway matron

Maud S: The sorrel queen of the turf

McLin Hanover: The horse who wasn’t allowed to time trial

Medio: The aloof matron

Moni Maker: Big Mama

Mr McElwyn: The first three-year-old to beat 2:00

Nervolo Belle: The unplanned supermare

Net Worth: The most precious addition

Occident: The California wonder

On Track Piraten: The blue collar worker

Ourasi: The lazy king

Pershing: The horse who had to be bought twice

Peter Manning: The first pride of Hanover

Peter the Brewer: The sure-fire horse

Peter the Great: The great from Kalamazoo

Peter Volo: The vicious superstar

Pilot Jr: The family head

Pilot Medium: The grey super stallion

Quel Veinard: The beautiful experiment

Rapide Lebel: The French tank

Roquepine: La reine des reines

Rudolf le Ann: The black pearl

Sam Williams: The horse who hated the uphill

San Francisco: The horse of mystery

Santos: The hopeless mare

Scott Protector: The horse who counted laps

Sebastian K: The speed demon

Senator Ford: The blind champion

Speedy Crown: The flawless one

Speedy Volita: The queen of every racecourse

Star’s Pride: The cream who rose to the top

Sugarcane Hanover: The race of the century

Tamin Sandy: The star who cost 20 sheep

The Eno: The choking horse

The Great McKinney: The big fella bred to the queen

The Marchioness: The slim, unpromising filly

Tibur: The rejected champion

Une de Mai: The queen without a crown

Valley Victory: The breed changer

Varenne: Il Capitano

Vice Commodore: The horse who was sunk

Victory Song: The fragile star

Viking Kronos: The horse God created

Volo Song: The day the music died

Västerbo Prestige: The champion stallion gelding

Walter Dear: The Hambletonian winner who disappeared

Wilburn M: The first International winner

Woodford Mambrino: The peculiarly unfortunate horse

Yarrah Boko: The moose

Zombrewer: The origins of the ghost

Zoogin: The meatball

Zoot Suit: The hybrid